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round bottomed中文是什么意思

用"round bottomed"造句"round bottomed"怎么读"round bottomed" in a sentence


  • 圆底的


  • This method involves freezing the protein solution on the walls of a round bottomed flask and sublimating the liquid in a vacuum .
  • Long neck round bottom flask
  • Laboratory glassware . round bottom flasks . flat bottom flasks . flasks with conical ground glass joint
  • Laboratory ware made from fused quartz and fused silica ; boiling flasks made from fused quartz ; round bottom flasks , flat bottom flasks and conical flasks
  • In accordance with archaeological discoveries of ba culture in three gorges region , and analyses about these material , some points on ba minority ' s living customs can be drawn that they lived in a good ecological environment ; their main tools in daily life are crockery , which is not only large in number but also is featured with round bottom ; they live on paddy rice , fish and other propagations ; salt plays an important role in their life ; the location of ba culture relics , namely waterside or mesa near waterside , reflects their habitation features and construction mode residing before rivers
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